Entry-Level Cover Letter: Strong Examples & Tips for Freshers

Entry Level Cover Letter

An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter written for an entry-level job application. An entry-level cover letter is especially needed if you’re a fresher or career changer. Contrary to common beliefs, cover letters are as important as a resume, as they allow you to introduce your qualifications with a touch of personality through written words, and also serve as a chance to include details that don’t fit in your resume. Especially in a cover letter for entry-level jobs, recruiters would expect to see further explanations on why you are fit for the job and decide whether or not to invite you for an interview, especially, again, if you are jumping between industries.

In this article, we will discuss how to write a good cover letter for entry-level jobs, along with examples of entry-level cover letters with no experience that you can use as references.

What Is an Entry-level Cover Letter?

There are 3 basic purposes that a good entry-level cover letter should do:

Having a well-written cover letter for entry-level positions is a way to show off your communication skills, which is always a plus in today’s increasingly competitive job market. Moreover, even when the requirement says “optional”, an entry-level cover letter that complements your resume shows that you put in effort for the job, and will leave a very good first impression on the recruiter.

With that said, making sure that you know how to write a good cover letter for entry-level jobs, one without typos or overgeneralization, avoids the possibility of your cover letter being “turned down” before even being read.

Entry-level Cover Letter Examples

If you are applying for an entry-level job, below are two cover letter examples for you!

Entry-level cover letter example for college freshers

Kirsten Stevens
123 Rainbow Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33948
(941) 222-3333
[email protected]

Eve Adams
The BLOCK Company
123 Rainbow Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

As a highly motivated individual who found a new interest in retail supply chain and service innovations, I am writing to apply for The BLOCK Company’s Customer Service and Supply Chain Intern position.

After recently learning about the increasing importance of the retail supply chain, I am eager to sharpen my practical skills and industry knowledge required to broaden my view regarding my future career path. With regard to my current skills:

My employers have acknowledged my proactiveness to learning and naturally engaging personality. My motivations include exploring the supply chain field, and how my future career, not to mention the sense of achievement from challenging my own limits.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I would be excited about the opportunity of an interview with you. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided above, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Entry-level cover letter with no experience example

Nina Elliott
The Flying City, TFC 12345
(941) 034-6789
[email protected]

Eve Adams
The Good Design Company
78 Eighty Nine Boulevard
The Blue City, TBC 09876

I am Nina Elliott, a business college graduate looking to apply for The Good Design Company’s Web Design Assistant Position as seen on ABC University’s website post. Despite changing industries, I am confident that through my training in business, I have honed the skills needed for the role and am looking forward to applying the skills in the design industry, which I recently found interest in. In regards to the skills required:

I understand that you will receive a large number of applications to fill this position. However, I am an eager learner, and my commitment and skills will allow me to fit into The Good Design Company’s work environment and immediately start supporting the company’s needs.

I would appreciate the opportunity of an interview with you. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided above. Thank you in advance for your time.

Kind regards,
Nina Elliott

Entry-level cover letter example for college high school freshers

Jade Smith
Taipei, Taipei City 106
(886) 0901-122-115
[email protected]

Ruby Lee
Greenbees Company
888 Diamond Rd. Section 4, No.1
Taipei, Taipei City 101

As a self-driven individual, I am writing to apply for the intern position in the finance department of The Greenbees Company. Having taken various courses throughout the past 2 years of high school, I find myself enjoying finance-related classes the most, and I am highly eager to translate that knowledge into something practical in preparation for my future education as well as a career in the finance industry.

I was actively engaged in competitive math for 7 years before starting economics in senior high school, and won several regional to national level competitions. This journey not only showed me the honesty of effort, but also developed my logical thinking and strong interest in numbers. I have also found recent interest in data analytics. For that, I have finished five out of the eight Google data analytics courses, and aim to finish all eight by the end of next month. I believe that my efforts match the emphasis The Greenbees Company put in continuous learning.

My previous team members have acknowledged my sense of responsibility toward assigned tasks. Along with my consistent motivation to learn and explore my career possibilities, I am eager to apply my skills and support Greenbee’s Company’s department of finance and accounting to the best of my ability.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be contacted at all times through the above contact information, and would highly appreciate an interview opportunity with you.

Best regards,
Jade Smith

How to Write an Entry-level Cover Letter

Here are 6 simple steps on how to write an entry-level cover letter.

1. Craft a complete & detailed cover letter header.

Your entry-level cover letter header should include three things: The sender information, the date written, and the receiver information.

Jade Smith
Taipei, Taipei City 106
(886) 0901-122-115
[email protected]

June 14, 2022

Ruby Lee
Greenbees Company
888 Diamond Rd. Section 4, No.1
Taipei, Taipei City 106

2. Address the hiring manager politely.

You should be able to find the name and position of who to address on LinkedIn. But if you really can’t find it, do refer to one of the following salutations to start your entry-level cover letter.

Here are 5 examples of professional salutations you can use:

3. Start your letter enthusiastically & show your interest.

Remember that there are probably a few dozen other entry-level cover letters besides yours, so keep in mind to start in a genuine, motivating way to leave a good first impression.

Here’s an example of how to start your entry-level cover letter:

I am writing in response to a job ad that you posted on LinkedIn for Hello Company’s Social Media Specialist. As a content creator myself, I believe I have a complete skill set to execute this role perfectly. I also have a bachelor's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Washington, which has equipped me with both theoretical and practical knowledge of what good digital marketing is.

4. Describe any relevant experiences and skills relevant to the role.

This is also called the body of an entry-level cover letter. It’s usually two to three short paragraphs, divided per skills that you want to highlight. However, please make sure to connect to the company’s requirements. The “required skills” on the job description is usually a good place to start.

Here’s an example of an entry cover letter’s body:

During my time at university, I actively took courses related to marketing, such as Digital Marketing, Social Media Creatives, Ad Design, Copywriting, and many more. During my sophomore year, I started my own Youtube channel and have maintained a great online presence on the platform, as well as on Instagram and TikTok with a combined follower base of 300,000. This hobby that turned into a real side hustle has equipped me with the following skills:

I have been a long-time user of JJJ Company’s products and I have always admired the company’s mission, which is to create sustainable products that help disabled people in their daily life activities. This deep consideration toward the disabled is a value that I truly admire and I would be honored to contribute my skills to support the company in doing so.

💡 Pro Tip: As creating an entry-level cover letter with no experience is quite challenging, you can categorize and highlight key achievements by using bullet points in your entry-level cover letter body. This makes it easier for the recruiters to read, scan and get to the point they’re more interested in.

5. Finish by giving an invitation.

In the last paragraph of your entry-level cover letter, make sure to always invite the recruiter to an interview or contact you further. This will make sure that your entry-level cover letter body ends in a professional, proactive and motivated tone.

Here’s an example:

Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be contacted at all times through the above contact information, and would highly appreciate an interview opportunity with you.

6. Create a proper sign-off.

Always end your letter in a formal tone when writing an entry-level cover letter. Be sure to include an ending greeting and your name.

You can use the following common complimentary closes as references:

If you are submitting an entry-level cover letter through email, also include your contact information and social handles in your cover letter sign-off.

Best regards,
Jade Smith

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jade.sm

You now know how to write a good cover letter for entry-level. To help you craft yours in the future, you can use the following entry-level cover letter template as your reference.

[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your phone number]
[Your email address]

[Date of writing]

[Name of employer]
[Mailing address of employer]

Dear [hiring manager's name],

My name is [Your name]. As an [An adjective to describe you] individual, I believe I am a great fit for the [Name of applied position] position in the [Name of department] department of [Company name]. [A short sentence containing an explanation and proof of why you think you are the perfect match for the position].

[Introduce the most important skill for the job and briefly state which activities or experience helped you acquire and hone that skill]. [State concrete examples and achievements that further solidify the fact that you indeed possess that skill].

[Introduce the second most important skill(s) for the job and briefly state which activities or experience helped you acquire and hone that skill(s)]. [State concrete examples and achievements that further solidify the fact that you indeed possess that skill(s)].

[State the details you find on the company website or other sources and use the above-mentioned examples to explain how you will contribute to the company in that specific job description(s)]. [Express your passion and willingness to contribute and learn extra skills in this new position, further showing that you are self-motivated].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be contacted at all times through the above contact information, and would highly appreciate an interview opportunity with you.

Best regards,
[Your name]

Tips on How to Write a Good Cover Letter for Entry-level Positions

By now you should already know how to create an entry-level cover letter. Here are some tips to help you stand out even more.

💡 Use descriptive & concise language.

Storytelling-style and more descriptive methods of telling how you’re fit for the position are surely more interesting than just rewriting your resume. This leaves a more lasting impression on the recruiters, thus making you stand out from the rest. Length-wise, be sure to “KISS” - Keep it Short & Simple, so recruiters don’t lose interest when reading your entry-level cover letter.

💡 Show your knowledge & interest in the company.

Especially for entry-level cover letters for freshers and those with no experience, showing your passion will make up for the lack of relevant experiences to prove your suitability for the role.

Here’s an example paragraph that shows company interest & knowledge in an entry-level cover letter:

“I understand that you will receive a large number of applications to fill this position. However, I am an eager learner and am confident that my commitment and skills will allow me to fit into The Good Design Company’s work environment and immediately start supporting the company’s needs.”

💡 Focus on your skills.

If you are a career-changer or a fresher, and you feel like you cannot compete with the experienced in terms of technical skills, here are 10 skills good to mention in an entry-level cover letter:

💡 Quantify your past performances.

Compare these two writings.

“Spoke in front of the school about…”

“Spoke in front of the school dean and his vice, 27 teachers and 374 students about…”

Quantifying your performances gives your entry-level cover letter more credibility and helps with the recruiters’ visualization of your capabilities, increasing your chances of getting the job.

💡 Anticipate the big questions that recruiters might have

Especially entry-level cover letters with no experience, recruiters might wonder why or how you got interested in that particular position or even industry in the first place. In addition, instead of just explaining how you “like” it, help the recruiters see how you are a good fit for the job.

🔑 Key Takeaways

Here are the 5 key takeaways about entry-level cover letters:

  1. Entry-level cover letters are needed when applying for entry-level positions.
  2. Stand out in a good way, and stay professional throughout the entire cover letter.
  3. 3 strengths of the entry-level cover letter: Start, connect & end strong.
  4. Make sure you “KISS” your entry-level cover letter: Keep it short & simple.
  5. No matter if it’s an entry-level cover letter for freshers or those with no experience, you can always refer to entry-level cover letter examples to help you craft yours.

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--- Originally written by Evelyn Peng ---