115 Wishing You Good Health and Safety Messages

Wishing You Good Health and Safety Messages

Good health and safety are on the list of the most important things that we wish for the ones we love. The ones we love are dear to our hearts and we always wish them every good thing we can think of. I think good health and safety top the list. You know they say “health is wealth” and without health, other good things might not be evident in a person’s life. Also, being safe is important too. Whenever the ones we love leave our sight we pray, even though it’s silent prayers, that they come back to us safe and sound.

As much as we wish our loved ones well and we have so many good thoughts about them, we sometimes forget to tell them in person. About how much we wish them well and how we want them to be in good health and safe always. It’s normal! Everyone is busy with one thing or the other. Although, it is advisable to tell them how much they mean to us and send them wishing you good health and safety message.

You can send these messages to them on their special days or just randomly send them to them. I think the random ones are the sweetest. In this article, I’ll be giving you a lot of inspiration about wishing you good health and safety messages that you can send to your loved ones.

Below are some perfect messages suitable for good health and safety messages. Read through, pick the ones you love, and let that person you love smile at a text from you.

  1. Wishing You Good Health And Happiness Always
  2. Wishing You And Your Family Good Health Quotes
  3. Wishing You Good Health And Safety Quotes
  4. Wishing You Good Health Quotes
  5. Stay Healthy And Happy Wishes
  6. Good Health Birthday Wishes
  7. Happy Birthday Wishing You Good Health
  8. Birthday Greetings Good Health

Wishing You Good Health And Happiness Always

Happiness is key in human life. Whether we choose to accept it or not, we all want to be happy, to feel happy at least once in a while. That’s why we tend to chase after things that give us at least a little sense of joy.

Knowing that someone wishes you well and wants you to be in good health and happy is soothing. That, itself, is a source of happiness. So, receiving messages like wishing you good health and happiness always may be the highlight of someone’s day and make him/her smile.

1. The gift of life comes along with so many things that make us need and cherish good health and happiness more every day. I wish you good health and happiness as you go through this journey called life.

2. Hey, I pray that you get to experience the true meaning of happiness, the one that goes beyond just your physical appearance. The one that comes from deep within.

3. Most of the time, we desperately want to be happy so we try to get that happiness by giving ourselves a break and a nice treat. I hope that God gives you the happiness you need, the right kind.

4. Life is short. We don’t even know how long we get to stay on earth so the best advice is to live life to the fullest and in plenty. I hope that you enjoy your stay on earth with good health and happiness.

5. May every new person that comes into your life bring you full happiness and connect you with joy and good health.

6. It takes good health (body and mind) to be able to wake up, set goals, and smash those goals. May your life be filled with good health and happiness.

7. We fall so we can rise again, we cry so we can appreciate laughter more, and every failure is a stepping stone to our success. I pray that you find all the joy that you can get because you deserve it.

8. I hope you smile always and good health is never far from you. May joy never depart from you. Amen.

9. The tough you may be going through will not last. Take one day at a time and be happy. Your joy shall be full.

10. Your thoughts carry so much power so learn to reject every negative thought about your health and happiness and focus only on positive thoughts always. I wish you sound health always!

11. Overthinking doesn’t help us, it even makes us worse and miserable. Focus on the positives and let happiness be your motivation.

12. Life shows you many shades of itself and those shades are important in making us who we are. I pray life shows you the positive shades often and you be blessed.

13. It’ll be too late when you’re 6ft under the ground so henceforth, make each day count and choose happiness always.

Wishing You And Your Family Good Health Quotes

Family is an integral part of our life. They are the people who most times have our backs and cheer us on. It’s a good thing to know that someone wishes you and your family well. Do you need to show someone that you’re thinking of them and their family? Below are some wishing you and your family good health quotes:

14. I’m sending thoughtful wishes to you and your family. I pray you all live in good health and have peace of mind.

15. May the spirit of love fill your family today and may you find reasons to be happy every day.

16. You and your family have always been there for me. Today, I count my blessings and I count you twice. May you enjoy good health and happiness all through life.

17. Your presence makes my life a lot better. I hope you’re filled with joy and your family is at peace.

18. May your family remain in good health, prosperity, and joy now and always.

19. I’m sending you and your family all my love and I pray you shall all live in good health.

20. Good health is important. I hope you and yours are well. God be with you!

21. This message is a way of me saying that I care about you and you’re in my thoughts always. Wishing you good health.

Wishing You Good Health And Safety Quotes

The level of insecurity in the world today makes you always want to know if your loved ones are safe and in good health at all times. Although, it’s not enough to just have it as a thought in your head. It’s good to let them know that you’re wishing them good health and safety.

If you’re not so sure about the right message to send to them, I got you covered. Below are some wishing you good health and safety quotes:

22. When you’re at your lowest and your days seem longer, know that I am thinking of you and I wish you good health.

23. I pray that you will receive mercy to enjoy happiness and wealth in good health.

24. Every second of the day, I think about you and hope that you’re safe and in good health.

25. May God envelops you with His strength and health every passing day.

26. I hope and pray that God blesses you with all good things, good health inclusive.

27. I pray that the angels of God go before you and make life easy for you when you step out each day.

28. Hey, hang in there. You’ve got this. The Lord is with you!

29. I’m glad you’re my friend and you mean a lot to me. I hope that you’re staying safe.

30. As much as you love to put your all into your work, don’t forget to rest when you need it. Your health is also very important.

31. You’re always on my mind and every time I think about you, I say a silent prayer wishing you good health and hoping that you’re safe.

32. I’m sending this message to make sure you’re safe and know that I am praying for good health for you every day.

33. Stay safe and healthy! The good Lord will abide with you in all that you do!

34. Life is a blessing so take care of it. Remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong, safe, and healthy.

35. I say a prayer for you today; that you have joy, peace, comfort, courage, and safety, and that you’re safe and healthy.

36. You mean so much to me and every time you’re out of my sight I pray desperately that you come back safe and healthy.

37. Eat good food, and drink a lot of water. Stay safe and healthy.

Wishing You Good Health Quotes

Do you want to wish your loved ones good health and you have no idea how to express your feelings in words? Do you know someone that’s sick and you want to wish them good health and a speedy recovery?

Finding the right words to say to a friend or a loved one that’s feeling down might be difficult. You are always careful and don’t want to say the wrong thing. Below are some Wishing You Good Health and Safety messages that you can use and show your loved ones that they matter to you and that they are in your thoughts:

38. I pray that your health gets better and we get to do the things that we love together. I miss you so much. Get well soon.

37. Have good health! I have a lot of plans and fun activities prepared for us as soon as you’re well.

38. As each day dawns, I hope it brings you closer to your perfect health and lively self.

39. Think about all the warm hugs we shared. I hope good health surrounds you just like that.

40. Good health is wealth. I pray you’re blessed all through your life and you live in good health to enjoy all your blessings.

41. I hope you get to smile widely once again and that God gives you strength. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

42. God lets us go through some challenges because they help to build our faith in Him. I pray that you learn to trust God more and come out of this in perfect health.

43. Don’t forget, that God is right there with you. He is your strength and present help in times of trouble. Get well on time!

44. You’re strong and relentless. Even though you don’t feel like it right now, have faith that you’re already healed.

45. I pray that your life is encompassed with good health and every other blessing.

46. I hope that every day, your rest brings you closer to health again. I pray that you will come out stronger and more agile. The hand of the Lord rests upon you.

47. I’m here for you in this hard moment. I got your back. The Lord raise you up swiftly, Dearest.

48. The world still needs to experience your awesomeness so get well on time and come show them what you got.

49. Being stuck in one place, especially for a lively person like you, can be so hard. I wish you very sound health so that you can move out of that place and be your usual self again.

50. I’m sending you lots of love and a bouquet. I hope it makes you smile. The hand of the Lord rests on you!

Stay Healthy And Happy Wishes

The ones we love are always on our minds. We wish them well and pray that they are happy. Sometimes, we decide to let them know our thoughts but we may not have the right words. Saying “you’re in my thoughts and prayers” have become too cliche and common.

Below are some alternative ways to wish your loved ones well and send them to stay healthy and happy wishes:

51. Keep shining like a star. Always reach for the skies. May all your dreams come through. Stay happy and healthy.

52. When I think about you, I hear your voice in my head and it keeps me sane and happy. I hope you’re happy too wherever you are.

53. I can stay a day and not think about how you’ve been a ray of sunshine in my life. Be in good health and happiness forever, my Darling.

54. You affect the lives of the people around you positively, you radiate joy. I pray that God blesses you with good health and that your energy never ceases.

55. Your hugs make my heart warm and the bond we share gives me strength. May God bless you with longevity and happiness in good health.

56. May your health flourish like the dandelions in the field and may you be happy forever.

57. This year, I hope you smile the widest, sing the loudest and live in happiness now and forever.

58. Thank you for your love, support, and care. May your life be filled with goodness and good manifestations.

59. Your being alive is a miracle and I pray that you will live longer and healthy. I pray God’s wondrous works never cease in your life.

60. God will keep you in health and He’ll envelop you with divine joy all the days of your life.

61. I pray God gives you all the joy and happiness, as much as your heart can contain. Live long!

62. When you laugh at your pain, you give way to happiness. Do not let depression win over you. Let joy fill your heart every day and be intentional about it.

63. I pray God gives you a million reasons to smile and you live long in good health.

Good Health Birthday Wishes

When we say birthday wishes, we include good health as part of the wishes most time. This is because we know how important good health is to human life. Below are some good health birthday wishes to send to the person you love:

64. Live long and prosper in good health. Happy birthday.

65. Happy birthday! I pray that you spend this ride around the sun in good health and happiness. Have an amazing ride!

66. Welcome to an amazing year, Dear. I hope it is filled with courage, love, comfort, happiness, and good health.

67. This year marks the start of new sweet beginnings. I pray that you will live long in good health to enjoy all God has in store for you. Happy birthday.

68. As you become plus 1 today, I speak life into you. Whatever you lay your hands on is blessed. You’ll live longer and have good health forever.

69. Hey Darling, it’s your birthday and I pray God grants you all the good things that your heart desires. I wish you good health and joy forever.

70. Happy birthday to you. More good life in good health.

71. You’re an amazing person with a beautiful heart. I pray that you will get all the love and happiness you give out to other people in 10 folds. I hope you spend the rest of your days in good health and happiness. Happy birthday.

72. I pray your life has more meaning with God in the center of it. Good health and mercy will surround you. Happy birthday.

73. Every good thing you need is released to you on your special day today. Good health and favor will be your portion. Happy birthday, and have fun.

74. On your birthday, I pray everything begins to work together for your good. Good health is for you today and always. Enjoy your day.

75. Welcome to the beginning of amazing things. I celebrate with you and I wish you good health and love.

Happy Birthday Wishing You Good Health

Birthdays are important days in people’s lives. Some choose to celebrate and some do not. However, everyone would appreciate a thoughtful message from a friend or two.

If you need well-composed messages for your friend or family, below are some happy birthday wishing you good heart messages:

76. Let this year be an adventurous one for you. Live life to the fullest and I wish you good health and joy. Happy birthday.

77. Meeting you is a memory that can never fade away. I bless the day I met you. Enjoy your new age in health and happiness. Happy birthday, Love.

78. A new year is another opportunity to live. You’ve got that opportunity today. Enjoy this new year in good health and make the most of it. Happy birthday!

79. I hope you have a blast on your special day. I pray that you spend every day of this new year in happiness and sound health.

80. I pray that God’s presence and grace encompass you this new year. May good health and happiness always follow you for the rest of your life. Happy birthday.

81. Happy birthday! It’s been a long time coming. I pray that every year strengthens our bond and we grow in health and wealth together. Enjoy your day, Sweetheart.

82. Cheers to a new year of laughter, love, blessings, and health. I wish you the best birthday ever.

83. On your special day, I pray God gives answers to all your secret prayers and makes you happy. Happy birthday.

84. My Darling!. It’s your birthday today. I pray your life is filled with love and health and happiness is your portion. Celebrate with the ones you love–that includes me–and be the happiest today.

85. Congratulations on your birthday. May God’s presence dwell with you and you be blessed with good health.

86. It’s your birthday! Blow your candles and make plenty of wishes because they’ll come through–at least one of them.

87. Welcome to a new chapter of your life. May you start it in God’s grace and health and may the grace and health last forever. Enjoy your day.

88. Happy birthday, my Strong One. It may not seem like it right now but you’re stronger than you think. I pray your strength and health multiplies each day.

89. You beam with light and even the sun is jealous. Happy birthday, my Sunshine. Grow in health.

90. I bless the day I met you and every other day after it. I pray that you enjoy life in good health. Happy birthday, Dear.

91. Hey, my Love. It’s a new year for you. Let’s focus on only the positives this year. You’re brave, smart, beautiful, kind, impeccable, and loving. Those are the only ones you should confirm about yourself. I wish you long life. Happy birthday.

92. This ride around the sun is going to come with great blessings. Just sit and watch all things work in your favor. Happy birthday, Dear.

93. May you always have plenty and your glass never empty this new year. I wish you success and health. Happy birthday.

94. Sweetheart, let the past remain in the past today. Live in the present and focus on the future. You’re going to have an amazing year with joy and good health. Happy birthday.

95. This age you’re entering is the peak of your youth. Have fun, get close to God, and watch Him order your steps. Happy birthday.

96. Your mistakes don’t define you, leave them in the past and focus on the present. I wish you long life and prosperity today. Happy birthday.

97. You’re a great impact on my life and I’m grateful for your gift of you. I wish you good health, love, joy, and peace, now and always. Happy birthday, Dear.

98. My Heartbeat, you’ve shown me what true love is. You love me the right and perfect way and I thank God for giving you to me. On your special day, I pray that you are in good health all day. Happy birthday.

99. As you enter into a new phase, I pray that you find peace, joy, health, and many reasons to be happy. May all your wishes be granted. Happy birthday!

100. You radiate so much light and joy with your wide smiles. I pray that every day of this new year, you find every reason to smile and be happy. I pray that you live in health all your days. Happy birthday.

101. Eat well, rest well, and pray well. Speak life into your life every day. You will live long and be healthy because it’s God’s will for you. Happy birthday, Dear.

Birthday Greetings Good Health

Birthdays are beautiful and exciting, especially for those that like to celebrate big. The celebrant gets to smile wide and be grateful for all the presents. Words from friends can also make one’s day.

Wishes and greetings on someone’s birthday are thoughtful. Below are some birthday greetings:

101. I wish you a memorable day filled with love and prosperity. Have a great birthday today and enjoy the year in good health.

102. Wishing you the best on the day that’s as special and beautiful as you are. Have a blast!

103. Your birthday is a reminder that one day, a beautiful human was sent into this world and we are so lucky to be the ones that know you. Have an amazing day.

104. Yesterday is in the past, today is a gift and that’s why it’s called “present”. Start this new phase with a positive mind. Happy birthday, Dear.

105. You’re enough, you deserve love, good health, and every other good thing in life. Happy birthday, Babe.

106. May the angels protect you and troubles neglect you in your new age. Happy birthday!

107. Good health, peace, and joy will be your portion this year. Happy birthday.

108. You’re a perfect gift to this world. God thought that the world needs light and He decided to send you here. I pray He gives you long life, joy, and good health.

109. Set big goals this year. God is ready to blow your mind. Best greetings.

110. On this auspicious day, I pray that your strength and motivation grow and that you achieve all your goals and dreams.

111. God took His time when creating you; you’re so beautiful and amazing. Have a fantastic day today. Live long and have a sweet life. Happy birthday!

112. Soft life for you this year. No stress, plenty of money. Those are my wishes for you today. Happy birthday.

113. Distance doesn’t matter. My heart and prayers are with you always. I’m praying for a good future, health, and prosperity for you on your special day.

114. Happy birthday, Dear. May God give you all the happiness and good health in life.

115. I pray your cup is full and overflowing with joy, peace, good health, and a lot more blessings this year. Happy birthday!

Words and wishes are very thoughtful and important. It’s always nice to let people know that you love and care about them. You can pick from the many wishes and send them to your loved one today.