Auto Adjuster vs. Auto Appraiser: What’s The Difference?

If you are currently filing a claim on your auto insurance policy or are simply reviewing the claims process, you may be wondering what exactly differentiates insurance adjusters and appraisers.

In the unfortunate event that you are involved in a car accident and must file a claim due to any damages or losses, it’s important to know the difference between these two roles and what they accomplish during the claims process.

At Berry insurance, we understand how easy it can be to get lost in all the intricacies of insurance claims. In this article we’ll delve into the differences between adjusters and appraisers, so you can be prepared for when you need to file a claim.

What are auto adjusters?

Auto adjusters are responsible for investigating a claim, as well as determining the coverage and payment. Adjusters accomplish this by:

There are usually three different types of claims adjusters, including:

To learn more about these types of adjusters and which one you should consider hiring for a claim, read this article: Should I Hire a Public Adjuster for My Claim?

What are auto appraisers?

Auto appraisers will be hired to determine the cost of the damages made to a vehicle, as well as the value of the vehicle itself. The appraiser is typically not an employee of your insurance company, so they are able to give an unbiased opinion of the damages. Appraisers will reach out to you to schedule your appointment, which can be done at your home, work, or an auto body shop you choose.

Appraisers assess the damages made to a vehicle after an accident by determining what parts of the vehicle were damaged, what the necessary repairs will be, and any additional operations required to make the car drivable once more.

Auto appraisers will typical determine this by looking at:

Appraiser’s may also refer to repairs or auto body shops to help determine the estimated costs of repairs after an accident.

What is the difference between adjusters and appraisers?

While adjusters are there to determine if the insurer should pay for the damages to your vehicle and for how much, appraisers are instead assigned to determine the value of your vehicle and the estimated cost of repairs. An appraiser's estimates would then help adjusters determine how much an insurer would pay a policyholder for their claim.

Appraisers will usually be assigned to your case after an insurance adjuster has reached out to you. It will typically take you around 24-48 hours to hear from an insurance adjuster after filing a claim. Appraisals can be scheduled anytime after an accident, but will usually take place soon after if the vehicle was totaled.

Staying prepared for auto claims

Now that you have a better understanding of what differentiates claims adjusters and appraisers, you know what to expect the next time you have to file a claim on your auto policy.

As the entire auto insurance claims process is made up of multiple moving parts and steps, it can end up taking anywhere from a few days to months to fully resolve. If you’re currently in the middle of the process or are wondering about the timeline of a claim, check out our article on how long an auto insurance claim usually takes.