Credit Card Insurance

We always use the rental car coverage that is included as a free service of our VISA signature credit card.

Inspecting the Vehicle

Rental Car Insurance Using a Credit Card in Costa Rica

For us there are a number of advantages to using our card coverage instead of buying CDW or other policies from the rental car agency

  1. It is free and saves us between $18 and $44 per day compared to various coverage options sold by the car rental agencies (see cost benefit comparison).
  2. It covers at least as much and usually much more than any options sold through the rent-a-car company. In our case it includes 100% accidental damage, 100% collision, 100% theft and 100% vandalism coverage with a zero deductible.
  3. It is though a U.S. company who deals with any Costa Rican red tape for us in case of an accident or other claim. We just hand over the accident report and the credit card company does the rest.
  4. The one time we had to make a claim (someone ran into the car while it was parked then fled the scene) it took a single five minute phone call, cost us $0.00 and was taken care of in a few days.

We can’t guarantee that it will be the same for everyone because coverage depends on your card agreement and the rental agreement including all the fine print therein. We can tell you it is worth checking into.

Important Things to Know About Credit Card Rental Car Insurance in Costa Rica

You must check with your credit card company and the specific car rental agency you’re working with for coverage details but there are some things that are generally true and important to know about using VISA, MasterCard or American Express.

  1. If you accept or purchase any coverage sold by the rental car company (CDW, Limited Liability, Comprehensive Coverage, Zero Deductible see this link insurance explanation) then all credit card coverage is rendered null and void.
    Here’s the confusing part. The government issued liability insurance (SLI) does not cancel the credit card coverage. This is because you are required by law to purchase SLI and even though you pay for it along with your car it is not sold by the rental car company it is sold by the government.
  2. Some car rental agencies force you to purchase their CDW or other insurance. This is not ever required by law but some companies simply refuse to rent you a car using credit card coverage. If you want to use your credit card you will need to use a different company (Alamo has always been good for us).
    NOTE: in early 2020 the online reservation form began forcing CDW coverage…you can no longer unselect it. We do not know if Alamo has changed policy to force all rentals to purchase CDW but as soon as we get an answer we’ll post it. The reservation below for March 2020 was made in November and does not include CDW.
  3. Most rent-a-car representatives will try hard to get you to accept their insurance because it is the most profitable part of the contract. It may help to have a statement of your credit card insurance policy in writing. If they get ridiculous (e.g. requiring a signed letter from your issuing bank stating the coverage applies to you) then they probably have no intention of accepting the coverage no matter what and are just wearing you down.
  4. If damage occurs to the car the cost of repairs will be charged to your credit card and you will only be reimbursed after submitting a successful claim to cardmember services. You may be required to provide documentation like a copy of a police report.
  5. If you use credit card coverage (and often when you don’t) the car rental agency will “authorize” a deposit usually between $1,000 and $2,000 on your credit card to cover potential damages. You will not be charged that amount unless damages occur but it will reduce your available credit when using the card for other purchases like hotels or restaurants.
  6. Some cards have exclusions specifically against insuring Latin American rentals so be sure to check carefully.

Note – in 2017 we discovered a new clause appearing on some credit card service agreements limiting coverage to $50k or excluding “specialty vehicles” like pick-up trucks (used to be a convenient choice for surf boards).

This isn’t a problem most places but in Costa Rica car values are double and even regular vehicles might exceed $50k. The Toyota Prado Diesels we normally drive are “valued” at $92,000 in Costa Rica. Make sure your coverage is sufficient or you may be stuck buying the CDW.

When There’s a Damage Claim

I’m sure it’s happened but I have never heard of anyone having any problems with credit card coverage.

It makes sense. The credit card company wants their customers (you and me) to be happy. They spend billions of dollars a year acquiring and retaining customers and they’re not going to let some car rental agency mess up that relationship or their reputation for taking care of their customers. The credit card is also negotiating from a position of power. If they feel the repair bill is not fair they simply don’t pay until the rental agency proves it’s legit.

On the other hand we hear complaints on a regular basis about claims when the vehicle is covered by the rent-a-car agency’s insurance. Some of the most common are below.

There are some things that no policy covers

Driving on the beach or through rivers, drunk driving or driving while committing a crime are a few examples of things that will void all insurance coverage including credit card. See the fine print on the policy for details

Fording the Río Agujitas about three km from where the road south of Drake dead ends into Playa San Josecito. The suspension bridge is part of the coast trail that is the only way to get around the region on land in the rainy season.

If Your Credit Card Doesn’t Include Coverage

Full coverage travel insurance may cost less than products sold by the rental companies that only cover the car and it includes the cost of missed flights, cancelled hotels and tours and medical emergencies as well. One week CDW at $22 per day = $154, one week full coverage travel insurance $130 for 10x more.

Yonder provides a convenient way to compare coverage and cost from multiple insurance companies and includes a checkbox to filter for plans that include coverage for damage to rental cars.

Instant quotes with no e-mail, phone or sign-up required. If you choose one of the plans from the price comparisons using this link we will receive a referral fee.

Yonder Travel Insurance Sample Search
